A lot of people like Berlin - they probably don't live here!
To be honest: I hate Berlin. If I could, I would move this very minute.
Because there are too many people here:
People who don't like kids.
People who are very aggressive.
People who let their dogs sh.. everywhere.
Kids can't play in the park because there is dog poo everywhere.
They can't play in the playing ground because older kids harrass them seriously - e.g. footballs or other things get stolen.
The other day we had a doctor's appointment and went there by bike. Because of the heavy traffic we rode our bikes on the sidewalk (one after another: me leading, the twins following). People waiting at a bus stop gave us dirty stares; one, after seeing us, even stepped forward so we couldn't pass easily. Others shouted after us that we shouldn't use the sidewalk - that particular sidewalk was about 10 metres wide (!) and the ladies didn't have their dogs on the leash...
I had a severe headache when we reached our destination. These people make me sick!
About 2 weeks ago I was riding my bike on the sidewalk (I know it's not allowed but the motorists drive like crazy here). I always go very slowly. When I wanted to avoid a woman with a buggy she simply pushed me! I could have fallen onto the road...
The day before yesterday the following happened:
We wanted to do some last minute shopping and walked on the sidewalk. The kids were chasing each other. A woman on a bike wanted to overtake us (on the wrong side, she didn't ring her bell or shout) and hit Emma because she couldn't break in time. She did NOT apologize. She shouted that this was not a playing ground! Can you imagine the brazenness?? I don't mind people riding their bikes on the sidewalk but one has to be considerate and drive slowly. Of course I shouted back but she just drove on - without inquiring if anything was wrong or apologizing. She only showed us the middle finger and left - that's Berlin!
I am very sorry that I didn't take a picture of her. I hope to meet her again.
This list will probably be continued, I am sorry to say.
Hi, I'll come back soon, i meet gimmeyourstuff by your blog and i want to talk if you want. My MSN is: elfanty@gmail.com
See you
DU armes Häschen, ich habe auch meine Hasstage auf Berlin... und die ganzen unfreundlichen Psychos... und die Hundehalter, bzw. die Hundekacke... und und und... vor allem wenn so ein Sch****wetter ist wie jetzt. Aber: auf dem Land zereist sich dafür jeder das Maul über einen. Ob und wie du deine Kindr erzoehst, anziehst... und wehe du bist anders....
also nicht ärgern lassen und die ganzen blöden leute freundlich anlächeln im sinne von "was habt ihr denn für schlechte laune" (dann ärgern die sich noch mehr, hihi)
I couldn't help but giggle at your Berlinerlebnisse...I lived in Berlin for about a year and I LOVED it...but the people! Oh, the people!!
Honestly, it really irked me, too, but I learned to try to take it all in stride and to laugh a lot more (for the most part).
That's just the Berliners. It's not personal...they treat EVERYONE that way. Of course, I'm sure it's much harder with your children being pushed around (literally).
One fun thing I use to do...smile and say "Hallo" to strangers you pass on the street. A Berliner has no idea how to react. It was funny! I had some odd looks, people stopping me to ask how I knew them, and some swear words which I was able to laugh off...I mean honestly, if these people swear at a smile...? It definitely isn't you...it's them! And then you just have to laugh and love them for it.
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